Written by David Flanigan, Director of Market Development at Yalp Interactive

It is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since COVID-19 changed all of our lives. Social distancing, mask-wearing, hand washing and work/school from home are the new norm.
Unfortunately, many playgrounds across the country were closed and fenced off. I know this was devastating for so many kids and families who looked forward to playing with their friends. It is disheartening to see your favorite playground fenced off and not be able to play with your friends and family. Of course, it is very important to ensure that everyone is safe and follows the guidelines for physical distancing and washing hands after touching surfaces. The good news is that playgrounds are starting to re-open with robust cleaning efforts underway and guidance on how to safely play.

The team at Yalp Interactive is focused on ensuring all kids can safely play, even during the pandemic. That is why we believe you can be physically distant on the playgrounds without being socially distant. In the summer of 2020, we created a document that highlights how our interactive playgrounds are essentially “touch free.” You can use your elbow to activate the games and all of the maintenance and settings for the playgrounds are done remotely through My Yalp user interface!

We are also very encouraged to see high levels of play on the newly installed Yalp Interactive Playgrounds. Recently, Kraftsman installed a Yalp Memo Interactive play pillars and Yalp Sutu Interactive ball wall at the Old Fair Park in Fredericksburg, TX. Since it was activated in December 2020, there have been a high level of use each day, further showing that safe play is able to happen even during the pandemic.

We should be practicing physical distancing instead of social distancing. We’re here to answer any questions! Let’s talk! Contact us at info@eliteareas.gr .